Monday, 29 October 2018


"We could synthesise every morsel of food, if we wanted to."  - Brave New World

In a world of war and ruin, our attention is naturally drawn to the violent dictatorship or the protagonists suffering as they are forced to adapt to life in this brave new world however, even in pioneering dystopian novels such as Huxley's, food plays an intrinsic role in defining and understanding the values of each imaginary realm.
The Feast Presented to the Winner of The Hunger Games (2012)
Food's presentation and use throughout the life of the genre has changed dramatically; from 1920 to present day, the role of food in dystopian fiction has developed from just a side note representation of control, to an essential extension of societal values. The aim of this blog will be to analyse the portrayal and evolution of food in dystopian literature. Specifically, I will be considering texts such as We,  The Handmaid's Tale and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, investigating the differences in the importance of food in each dystopia/utopia. I will also be examining film and TV adaptions, evaluating the interpretation of each dystopian diet.

Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. London: Vintage Classics, 2007. Print.